Monday 2 November 2015

Educational Tourism

TEFI seeks to be the leading, forward-looking network that inspires, informs and supports tourism educators and students to passionately and courageously transform the world  
for t
he better.

The Tourism Education Futures Initiative (TEFI) is an international network of tourism educators, community, NGO and industry actors who believe in the positive and transformational role that education plays in creating sustainable tourism futures. TEFI adopts a values-based approach to tourism education that is all about broadening and deepening tourism education from a narrow, instrumental, short-term focus to incorporate humanist values and to impart the skills and knowledge for mindful decisions.

The working environments, opportunities and contexts in which network members work are quite varied, but progressing TEFI values in teaching, research and industry engagement is a resonating force that keeps dialogue passionate and optimistic. In working towards the TEFI mission, presently our four key areas of activity are:

Teaching and Learning - Facilitation of innovative, values-based learning experiences; evaluation of curriculum and program planning.

Tourism Scholarship - Advancing the scholarship of teaching and learning in tourism; engaging in tourism in higher education policy and practice.

Advocacy for Tourism Education - Creating awareness of tourism as a field of study and promoting its value in global citizenship.

Tourism and Social Entrepreneurship - Leading by example, exploring and demonstrating how tourism can make a difference

Please joint us on Facebook: TEFI Tourism Education Future Initiative
    If you would like to learn more about TEFI, please check out the TEFI profile.

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