Saturday 22 August 2015

Beauty secrets of Ice

Beauty secrets of Ice:

We have all stuck our faces into the freezer as kids, but did you know ice cubes have beauty secrets to give? Read on to find out more!

Frozen Cucumber Paste

Frozen cucumber paste can be used as a skin cleanser. Cucumbers are known to be natural coolants and moisturisers. The frozen paste removes dead skin and closes the pores of the skin. Add a teaspoon of honey and lime in equal measures to the cucumber puree before freezing, and pour the concoction into ice trays to freeze it. Once the cubes are ready, gently rub them over your face for half a minute. Doing this thrice a week will help exfoliate your skin and make it glow.

Frozen Tea

Frozen tea bags placed over your eyes can help reduce puffiness. To take it to the next level, prepare green tea by boiling a teaspoon of leaves in hot water. Once it has cooled down, freeze it into cubes. Apply the cubes to your eyelids to reduce puffiness and dark circles.

Lemon Ice Cubes

Lemon ice cubes gives you an instant facial. Lime juice has vitamin C which nourishes the skin, leaving it smooth and supple. It is also an astringent that cleans pores and hydrates the skin. Pour a glass of freshly squeezed lime juice into the ice tray and allow it to freeze. Rub the lemon ice cubes over your face and the neck for a minute, and then rinse with cold water. Do this thrice a week for a natural glow, and to balance the oil contents of your face.

Get Rid of Acne

Fed up of acne and pimples? Well, who isn’t? A few ice cubes is all you need. Apply them on the pimple, wart or acne-affected area for a minute. This reduces inflammation, and soothes and hydrates the skin.

Use Ice Before Tweezing

Before you tweeze, rub your brows with ice cubes! Yes, ice cubes help with redness and pain, and bring down the inflammation after tweezing or threading. Rub the ice cubes on your skin for a minute to numb the area, and then tweeze or thread.

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