Sunday 5 July 2015

Two moons on 4th July 2015 after 2287 years

Two moons on 4th July 2015 after 2287 years

4 जुलाई 2015 को दो चाँद होँगे..जिसका इंतजार
पूरी दुनिया कर रही है...
इस दिन मंगल ग्रह बहुत
चमकीला होगा बिल्कुल पूरे चाँद की तरह जिसे
खाली आँखो से देखा जा सकता है...
इस दिन धरती से
34.65M मील की दूरी पर होगा
इस दिन रात 12:30 बजे इसे देखना न भूलेँ क्योँकि तब
आसमान मेँ दो चाँद दिखाई देँगे... ऎसा दोबारा 2287 में
सभी से शेयर करेँ क्योँकि जो अभी जिँदा हैँ वो इसे
दोबारा नहीँ देख पायेँगे.

Clarification - 
Will there be two moons on 4th July 2015? (see details)
I just got massage that on 4th July 2015, Mars planet is nearer to the earth and will shine like ... More
No it is not true. This is known has "Mars hoax". The Mars hoax was a hoax circulated by e-mail that began in 2002, that claimed that Mars would look as large as the full Moon to the naked eye on August 27, 2003. 

The hoax, which has since resurfaced every year from 2005 through 2015, began from a misinterpretation and exaggeration of a sentence in an e-mail message that reported the close encounter between Mars and the Earth in August 2003. At that time, the distance between the two planets was about 55,758,000kilometers, which was the closest distance between them since September 24, 57,617BC, when the distance has been calculated to have been about 55,718,000 kilometers.

And it looks like that you have also got the same email but this time the date is changed (4th July 2015).

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