Friday 2 October 2015

Kashmiris view point about rest of India & Pakistan

What do Kashmiris think about rest of india and Pakistan?:

What do Kashmiri people think about rest of India and Pakistan?

Ikram KhanIkram KhanKashmiri, Indian.

Kashmir has been historically under Hindu rule, Islamic rule, even Sikh rule. And in1990 it went through ethnic cleansing or gradual Islamization by the mass exodus of Kashmiri pandits (Hindu's) which brought the Indian Army's ire and served as a pre text for subsequent killings, violations & encounters followed. The spirit ofKashmiryat residing in deep communal harmony  ie  secularism has always beendistinct from either of Pakistan &India.Kashmiri's have always taken pride in their unique identity and culture. 

There was a time, when Pakistan really could've got Kashmir even without waging a war. In 1947, a newly created Pakistan had lot of hardwork and dedication as basis of it's foundation with lot of aspirations to become aprogressive country for South Asian Muslims. Naturally, the Kashmiris felt an affinity towards their Muslim brethren in Pakistan and wanted to join them.  Nothing wrong, after all? 

But since then, Pakistan has shown reluctance to accept a pluralistic society and it's diversity with policies against East Pakistan, Baloch (despite being non disputed) anti-Pakhtunistan operations are a clear example of the state’s unwillingness to accept true provincial autonomy. Even today a huge bias for Punjab exists in Pakistan. Where should other's go? 

While, India was always meant to cater to everyone and ain't exclusive to any particular ethnicity or language. It's a masterstroke than states are divided on linguistic basis. India has always shown, the ideology of Unity in diversity and it's our pride that we live in. 

After the partition, despite knowing geographic challenges greedy Maharajachose to be independent. Many in the valley resented it. But Kashmiri Pandits (The most educated one's who held most official positions) were pro India. A sizable chunk is of non Muslim. This made it more complex.

Again, there are arguments against India's annexation of Junagadh, and Hyderabad. But a Hindu Majority province joining Pakistanwas itself against the idea of it's creation. And a country right in heart of India was never a feasible idea owing to security threat. India being pluralistic & secular society had equal claim over Kashmir.

Frankly, more or less both countries were equally greedy to lay their hand's on the Kashmiri land. BUT, India respected Kashmir monarch's choice to be independent which Pakistan didn't. Tribals were sent by Pakistan to, torture, rape and forcefully annex the territory. While in Hyderabad, the Nizam's private militia group Razakar's itself spread terror in motive of ethnic cleansing which India rightfully revolted against. And "people" weren't harmed. 

Thus Pakistan invaded. Single reason why Kashmir is with India today.

Nehru himself being a Kashmiri Pandit, didn't want to rule against the will of Kashmiri's. He promised a plebiscite. And it never took place because India knew they'll have to keep it owing to strategic interests. 

Today, plebiscite is practically impossible.UN resolution 47 demands,  same demographics as 1947 & Pakistan to de militarize POK and hand over to India to conduct a plebiscite. Islamabad is pushing for it however government of Gilgit Baltistan strongly rejects the idea and has warned Islamabad. And the demography change itself is a huge violation of the mandate. I hope not you're imagining it's going to happen. Keep dreaming. 

While, Pakistan had a strong claim but gradually it subsided with it being theaggressor in wars. Due to repeated military intrusion into the state international outlook has lost favor for Pakistani viewpoint. In 1965 they went horribly wrong in launchingoperation Gibraltar and Operation Grand Slam designed to infiltrate forces to bring it under their control.  One cannot ignore the fact that these forceful intrusions even afterlegal accession to India have indeed caused humiliation to Pakistan in international front. Read: Kashmir will never become a part of Pakistan…  (Express Tribune

Thus any kind of security threat perceived by Pakistan by Indian forces dissolves in it being the evergreen aggressor. This deeply weakened the diplomatic position of Pakistan in Kashmir's claim and chest thumping of pro Kashmir sentiments won't take them anywhere in foreseeable future.

Today, the Indian state of J&K has 3 sub regionsKashmir, Jammu and Ladakh. Jammu and Ladakh people (Including Muslim population) are Pro India.While Kashmiri's I can assure you, most don't want to be a part of Pakistan. They're confused, most want Independence or complete autonomy with Indian union and few misguided one's want Pakistan merger. They hate the Army and rightfully so for the draconian laws like AFSPA. And alleged incidents like Kunan Poshpora incident  And, being a minority in India is far better than being a minority in Pakistan. 

Also, it should be noted that quite a many popular & highly educated Kashmiri Muslimsare Pro IndiaFarooq Abdullah, Omar Abdullah, Ghulam Nabi Azad to name a few. Remember the celebrity guy Qazi Touqeer?  

Parveez Rasool? Represented India in cricket. Had he been totally averse to the country he wouldn't have struggled now to rise up the ranks and be a start player in near future.

And not to forget, Civil service topper:Faisal Sheikh!

It's not as bad as it is portrayed to be.

Also let me take this opportunity clear the doubts regarding why Pakistan flags are raised: 

Separatist & Religious identification & way of expressing anger on India. Firstly it's not exclusive to Kashmir. I've seen Pakistan flags being waived in Murshidabad, West Bengal, India as well.

This dosen't correlate that they want Pakistan rule, at all. Recently, India imposed  internet ban in Kashmir for 3-4 days in Eid fearing separatist online activities etc. The previous day, there weren't any pro Pakistani sentiment in air. After the restriction imposed, some deliberately expressed support for Pakistan to irk India. According to them, if India can impose Internet ban then why can't they tolerate protests and pro Pak support? 

Contrarily, the one's who said the above, turn a blind eye towards Pakistan merger. They don't want it. Period.  

Talking about POK, it has limited internet services in AJK and none in GB.

[Rest is up to your own interpretation of thought]

However, Kashmir is not going anywhere. After a long time there are glimpses of peace returning to the valley. India and Pakistan both mishandled it over the years and now the time is to stack it up make LOC theInternational border

Pakistan should stop lingering it's mind around the corner of 1947 and evolve it's ideas and thoughts that world has changed and thus focus it's energy on developmentNOT on Kashmir.

India's building railways there, and now a IIT, IIM (A master stroke!) and it's pretty much outright ridiculous for anyone to think Kashmir seceding to Pakistan since India's is no way giving it as a dowry. Also as said, little numbers have any actual will of Pakistan merger.  

India needs to do these thing's things ASAP. 

  • Restore pre 1953 J&K status with it's own prime minister etc. Make it autonomous with it's own judiciary and so on. This is the core issue which needs to be implemented. We often confuse essential freedom with success but giving them higher degree of autonomy & their rights then they'll happily be a part of India's rise to glorious future ahead. It's a win win situation for both with massive mutual benefits. Basically, make it just like how Hong Kong operates as a independent entity under Chinese republic.
  • Educate them about India's progress:Many many youths in the valley simply have no idea about the country's rapid progress and the fact that India is changing & is in massive transitional phase towards being a newly industrialized country. The idea they poses is that India has strong army and it's all about civilian murder and suppression in all over India. So work to remove such misconceptions. And only way is to shareinformation. Anti-India sentiments will come down gradually then.

    As of now they don't give a shit about India's mars mission or yesterday's historic launch of first space observatoryASTROSAT joining elite league of world super powers. We need to change this feeling.
  • Recently Government arrested, 10 Army men in regards with fake Machil 2010 encounter case. Do it more and showIndia's democratic strength. Hang the tainted Army men. Show no mercy.
  • Since violence has come down sharply over the years, remove this draconian AFSPA rule. However, policing can be increased but keep the Army in it's barracks. 
  • Even though, Per capita income is higher than many Indian states and that of POK but considering India is going through massive Industrialization phase so please do that in Kashmir as well. Also release few innocent youth arrested in name of separatists. Rehabilitate them. They're not separatists, they need jobs. 
  • Make negative portrayal of Kashmir in media, a Punishable offence. India's free media policy is often misused.
  • Build! & build in Kashmir just like India does in rest of the country. Already the High Infra "Special" Kashmir Railways have done a fair bit to bring simile on to the faces, (Even though little!) but do these things more. Srinagar airport looks cool. Make it "international" in every sense. Let the tourists flow in! Trust me, a lot of hearts can be won this way. 

    Srinagar Railway station. It's being expanded at a rapid pace through the challenging terrains up to Kargil sector and near LOC. Looks cool, right? 

    India is rich enough to undertake these projects on higher scale.

And then hold a plebiscite. As a Kashmiri myself, I can totally assure you the votes will be in India's favor. There's no denying about it.  

And all this, can be done by One man. Narendra Modi. And he's  already in the process of taking CBM's (Confidence building measures)

An average Kashmiri who has stayed outside J&K (For long enough!) loves India but dislikes India's state policies in Kashmir. 

As for my opinion on Pakistan, I really like country's heritage, culture and it's people. To an extent I do relate myself with them BUTI'm not blinded by these. 

I, my parents & family think Pakistan is dreaming the impossible. It's nothing but a way to divert it's own people's attention out of internal problems. In International outlook the entire ballgame is shifting to India's favor despite past human rights violations and etc. The shift of favor to India is evident enough. And Pakistan  is internally unstable moreover it consistently lists in Failed States Index.This is an epic case of being focused on Counter Strike when you have a test knocking at the door! 

Therefore, unless Pakistan puts their house in order first, they should not harbor any grand ideas about attaining IndiaKashmir. It is ludicrous to hope to incorporate a large territory, with a different development trajectory over the last six decades, when parts of Pakistan are not under the government’s control, and when most people in Pakistan are worrying about its economic and security situation with the country surviving on IMF loans and aids. 

Personally, Just like  Indian administration I want both parties to secure the present borders and bring back peace. Let's ease the tension between two countries and bring back tourism to it's potential. And hope for a day, when a Indian and Pakistani can joyfully share a ride in Dal Lake sans any political tension.

At the end of the day, amidst all wrongdoings by both parties and contextual makeover all through 68 years, 

Would the average Kashmiri want to be a part of an economically vibrant, diverse and secularIndia or Pakistan as it is now?

Answer is quite obvious.

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