Based on your date of birth, find out zodiac given below and then according to that you see your horoscope:
Aries: March 20 - April 18
Taurus: April 19 - May 19
Gemini: May 20 - June 20
Cancer: June 21 - July 21
Leo: July 22 - August 21
Virgo: August 22 - Sept 21
Libra: Sept 22 - Oct 22
Scorpio: Oct 23 - Nov 20
Sagittarius: Nov 21 - Dec 20
Capricorn: Dec 21 - Jan 19
Aquarius: Jan 20 - Feb 18
Pisces: Feb 19 - March 19

Aries :: You may remain concerned about your rising domestic expenses, this week. You may be blamed for not paying enough attention to domestic matters, feels Ganesha. With the ruler of your Sign, Mars getting debilitated and the malefic Ketu posited in your Sign, you are also likely to feel uncomfortable in matters related to your personal life. To add to your woes, the ruler of the 7th House, related to spouse and day to day activities, Venus moves into retrograde mode. North node is posited in the 7th House from your Sign. All these positions do not spell well for a cordial and harmonious relationship with your life partner. In routine activities, odds may not allow you to perform efficiently. Professionals may have a tough time finishing task in time. Freshers looking for employment may be spoilt for choice. Two changes in planetary positions take place around the weekend - Mercury entering the earthly Sign Virgo; and Mars entering Leo.

Taurus :: With a cluster of four planets in the 4th House, you may feel inclined to make some major changes in your residence this week. The influence of Saturn over these planets is likely to jeopardise your plans for making major changes, though. With the ruler of your Sign Venus being in retrograde mode, Ganesha advises you to refrain from taking major decisions related to personal life. Get busy in planning things you feel like doing. Professionals may face tricky situations. Also, there may be some hindrance in carrying out routine activities as planned. Do not get perturbed by this, and go on to perform your tasks with patience. For businessmen, the week is auspicious to take stocks and prepare indents for future purchases. Around Saturday, Mercury enters its own Sign Virgo and positions itself in the 5th House from your Sign. This is likely to positively impact monetary inflow. On Sunday, Mars comes out of its debilitated Sign Cancer and enters a friendly fiery Sign Leo.

Gemini :: Career related matters are likely to be on your agenda this week. Businessmen may look for new methods to boost turnover. Ganesha says a short outstation trip in this regard could prove to be fruitful. Some meaningful relationship is likely to develop during travel, which may work well in advancing your interests. Professionals may find the week conducive to consolidate their position. With debilitated Mars posited in the 2nd House, mainly related to family and finance, you may be hard pressed on both these fronts. You are likely to find it difficult to make your family feel happy and contended. You may be perturbed by discontent among family members. Some unexpected monetary gains, around Wednesday, will cheer you up. Around the weekend, two important changes in planetary positions take place. One is about Mercury entering its own Sign Virgo, and the other is Mars leaving its debilitated Sign Cancer and entering the friendly Sign Leo.

Cancer :: Despite your sincere efforts, you may not be able to resolve some tricky personal issues. Unexpected expenses related to family are likely to dent your savings. Discontent in family is likely to prevail for some reason or the other. With Saturn influencing the 2nd House, your own experiences will make you wiser in money matters, feels Ganesha. You may resolve not to let emotions interfere with your finances. In matters related to career, you may have mixed experiences. Positive influence of Jupiter over the 10th House, is likely to consolidate your position and improve growth prospects. However, the presence of malefic Ketu (south node), in the 10th House, may pose obstacles in your progress. You may feel uneasy about something. Still, with the ruler of the 10th House Mars, posited in your Sign, you are likely to get energised and you will act with conviction. Over the weekend, Mercury changes Sign to enter its own Sign Virgo. The next day, Mars leaves its debilitated Sign Cancer and enters Leo.

Leo :: Monday blues are likely to assail you this week, foretells Ganesha. You may be in a dilemma about setting your priorities. This can be attributed to Moon posited in Pisces. Natives of this Sign are intuitive and so introverted that worldly things may not attract them. Around Tuesday and Wednesday, you may feel that something is impeding your progress. Saturn aspecting your Sign, which is also over the 10th House, seems responsible for this. You may learn it the hard way that having talent is not enough; you also need the right exposure to showcase your talent. Maybe this is the time to learn a few new things and brush up your existing skills. This learning will stand you in good stead when you get the right opportunity, which you may expect in the near future. Mercury enters its own Sign Virgo in the 2nd House from your Sign, on Saturday. On Sunday, Mars leaves its debilitated Sign Cancer and enters Leo.

Virgo :: Issues related to marital life are likely to be your prime concern this week. Your spouse may be too busy with social engagements to pay any attention to your needs. It is not just intimate physical relations which bind a relationship - emotional attachment is of more importance in marital life, says Ganesha. With four planets in the 12th House, concerned with expenses in general, your personal expenditure is likely to increase. You may also spend money for some social cause. A good earning opportunity may pass you by around Tuesday or Wednesday if you are not alert. You may regret it. Professionals may experience some uneasy moments due to criticism from superiors, mainly because you appear to be casual in your approach to your work. You may also overshoot your deadlines. Around Saturday, Mercury enters your Sign. Next day, Mars leaves its debilitated Sign Cancer and enters the friendly, fiery Sign Leo.

Libra :: Professionals may feel anxious this week about growth prospects, foresees Ganesha. Debilitated Mars is in square aspect with your Sign and Rahu is posited therein. Influence of Mars is likely to enhance your confidence and self-esteem. On the negative side, you may tend to assert your views aggressively, and in the process of doing so, you are likely to come through as being arrogant. The ruler of your Sign Venus is retrograde. This may throttle your progress. Moreover, Venus in the 11th House presents distractions, with friends luring you into indulging in pleasure-seeking activities. This means you may not be able to concentrate on your work. On the financial front, some monetary gains are likely over the weekend. Around Saturday, Mercury enters its own Sign Virgo. The next day, Mars leaves its debilitated Sign Cancer and enters a friendly, fiery Sign, Leo. Now Mars positions itself in the 11th House from your Sign, related to gains, among other things.

Scorpio :: Saturn posited in your Sign is likely to make you aware of ground realities and your limitations, predicts Ganesha. Undeterred, you may resolve to move ahead towards your goals. You may be tempted to exploit loopholes in the law to make huge profits. The ruler of your Sign, Mars is in its debilitated Sign, Cancer, and posited in the 9th House from your Sign. Debilitated Mars is likely to support you to use all means available to boost your earnings. The good thing is that, ruler of the 2nd House, related to finance, Jupiter is well placed and aspects its own Sign in the 2nd House. This indicates you may earn handsomely. On the negative side, though, debilitated Mars is in square aspect with the 12th House along with Rahu, posited therein. Under these influences, you may tend to become extravagant. Be careful or you may end up saving nothing. Around Saturday, Mercury enters its own Sign Virgo in the 11th House, related to gains. Sunday will see Mars leaving its debilitated Sign Cancer and entering Leo. Mars then positions itself in the 10th House from your Sign.

Sagittarius :: Saturn posited in the 12th House from your Sign is a really tough proposition to handle. To add to your woes, Saturn is the ruler of the 2nd House, related mainly to finance and family, among other things. This indicates that you may suffer unexpected monetary losses, foretells Ganesha. The other negative aspect this week is related to debilitated Mars posited in the 8th House. This indicates that you may be very disappointed by the conduct of someone dear to you. You may become over-sensitive and feel let-down around Tuesday-Wednesday. Professionals may experience a setback. Some task recently completed is likely to get rejected, and you may need to redo the whole thing. This may happen around Thursday-Friday. Colleagues may not offer any support. Around Saturday, Mercury enters its own Sign Virgo. Mercury now positions itself in the 10th House from your Sign. The next day, Mars leaves its debilitated Sign Cancer and enters Leo, the 9th House from your Sign.

Capricorn :: Rahu posited in the 10th House is indicative of a hostile relationship with your superiors. At times, you may feel like rebelling and challenging the authority. You may develop a strong urge to look for another job. Saturn posited in the 11th House is likely to back your efforts. However, since the most favourable planet for your Sign, Venus is moving in retrograde mode, bide your time till Venus turns direct in movement. Saturn posited in the 11th House aspects the 8th House from your Sign, along with the ruler thereof, Sun, posited therein. This indicates that you may need to improve your performance to meet new challenges successfully. Freshers looking for a suitable job opportunity, may have to compromise on the remuneration offered. Around Saturday, Mercury enters its own earthly Sign, Virgo. Now Mercury is well placed in the 9th House from your Sign. The next day, Mars leaves its debilitated Sign Cancer and enters Leo.

Aquarius :: Family and finances are likely to be your main areas of concern this week, predicts Ganesha. You shall be keen on providing more material comforts to your family. On the financial front, you may develop a strong urge to make it big. However, with the most favorable planet for your Sign, Venus moving in retrograde mode, this time does not seem ripe to attempt something big. And, the influence of Saturn over the 7th House along with planets posited therein, is likely to place hurdles in your path. Saturn is known for not making things easy. You need to work hard, improve your performance and wait patiently, before favourable results start pouring in. Businessmen in partnership may have a difficult time convincing all concerned people to agree with your strategy for growth. Around the weekend, Mercury exits Leo to enter its own Sign Virgo. The next day, Mars comes out of its debilitated Sign Cancer and enters Leo.

Pisces :: With Moon posited in your Sign, your basic traits are likely to come to the fore, says Ganesha. You are likely to heed your intuition for the direction to follow to reach your goals. Unless you are attuned to your Self, you may not be able to understand your intuition, though. Your Sign being dual natured, it may take you some time to reach a firm decision. With a cluster of four planets in the 6th House, related to adversity, you may face myriad obstructions. However, with the position of Saturn in the 9th House, you are likely to move ahead towards your goals. To help you in this regard, Jupiter aspects its own Sign, in the 10th House related to 'Karma'. Progressive forces are at work this week. You may face hurdles, which is normal, when you are moving ahead. Around Saturday, Mercury enters its own Sign Virgo. Mercury now positions itself in the 7th House from your Sign. The next day, Mars leaves its debilitated Sign, Cancer and enters Leo in the 6th House from your Sign.
Aries: March 20 - April 18
Taurus: April 19 - May 19
Gemini: May 20 - June 20
Cancer: June 21 - July 21
Leo: July 22 - August 21
Virgo: August 22 - Sept 21
Libra: Sept 22 - Oct 22
Scorpio: Oct 23 - Nov 20
Sagittarius: Nov 21 - Dec 20
Capricorn: Dec 21 - Jan 19
Aquarius: Jan 20 - Feb 18
Pisces: Feb 19 - March 19
Aries :: You may remain concerned about your rising domestic expenses, this week. You may be blamed for not paying enough attention to domestic matters, feels Ganesha. With the ruler of your Sign, Mars getting debilitated and the malefic Ketu posited in your Sign, you are also likely to feel uncomfortable in matters related to your personal life. To add to your woes, the ruler of the 7th House, related to spouse and day to day activities, Venus moves into retrograde mode. North node is posited in the 7th House from your Sign. All these positions do not spell well for a cordial and harmonious relationship with your life partner. In routine activities, odds may not allow you to perform efficiently. Professionals may have a tough time finishing task in time. Freshers looking for employment may be spoilt for choice. Two changes in planetary positions take place around the weekend - Mercury entering the earthly Sign Virgo; and Mars entering Leo.
Taurus :: With a cluster of four planets in the 4th House, you may feel inclined to make some major changes in your residence this week. The influence of Saturn over these planets is likely to jeopardise your plans for making major changes, though. With the ruler of your Sign Venus being in retrograde mode, Ganesha advises you to refrain from taking major decisions related to personal life. Get busy in planning things you feel like doing. Professionals may face tricky situations. Also, there may be some hindrance in carrying out routine activities as planned. Do not get perturbed by this, and go on to perform your tasks with patience. For businessmen, the week is auspicious to take stocks and prepare indents for future purchases. Around Saturday, Mercury enters its own Sign Virgo and positions itself in the 5th House from your Sign. This is likely to positively impact monetary inflow. On Sunday, Mars comes out of its debilitated Sign Cancer and enters a friendly fiery Sign Leo.
Gemini :: Career related matters are likely to be on your agenda this week. Businessmen may look for new methods to boost turnover. Ganesha says a short outstation trip in this regard could prove to be fruitful. Some meaningful relationship is likely to develop during travel, which may work well in advancing your interests. Professionals may find the week conducive to consolidate their position. With debilitated Mars posited in the 2nd House, mainly related to family and finance, you may be hard pressed on both these fronts. You are likely to find it difficult to make your family feel happy and contended. You may be perturbed by discontent among family members. Some unexpected monetary gains, around Wednesday, will cheer you up. Around the weekend, two important changes in planetary positions take place. One is about Mercury entering its own Sign Virgo, and the other is Mars leaving its debilitated Sign Cancer and entering the friendly Sign Leo.
Cancer :: Despite your sincere efforts, you may not be able to resolve some tricky personal issues. Unexpected expenses related to family are likely to dent your savings. Discontent in family is likely to prevail for some reason or the other. With Saturn influencing the 2nd House, your own experiences will make you wiser in money matters, feels Ganesha. You may resolve not to let emotions interfere with your finances. In matters related to career, you may have mixed experiences. Positive influence of Jupiter over the 10th House, is likely to consolidate your position and improve growth prospects. However, the presence of malefic Ketu (south node), in the 10th House, may pose obstacles in your progress. You may feel uneasy about something. Still, with the ruler of the 10th House Mars, posited in your Sign, you are likely to get energised and you will act with conviction. Over the weekend, Mercury changes Sign to enter its own Sign Virgo. The next day, Mars leaves its debilitated Sign Cancer and enters Leo.
Leo :: Monday blues are likely to assail you this week, foretells Ganesha. You may be in a dilemma about setting your priorities. This can be attributed to Moon posited in Pisces. Natives of this Sign are intuitive and so introverted that worldly things may not attract them. Around Tuesday and Wednesday, you may feel that something is impeding your progress. Saturn aspecting your Sign, which is also over the 10th House, seems responsible for this. You may learn it the hard way that having talent is not enough; you also need the right exposure to showcase your talent. Maybe this is the time to learn a few new things and brush up your existing skills. This learning will stand you in good stead when you get the right opportunity, which you may expect in the near future. Mercury enters its own Sign Virgo in the 2nd House from your Sign, on Saturday. On Sunday, Mars leaves its debilitated Sign Cancer and enters Leo.
Virgo :: Issues related to marital life are likely to be your prime concern this week. Your spouse may be too busy with social engagements to pay any attention to your needs. It is not just intimate physical relations which bind a relationship - emotional attachment is of more importance in marital life, says Ganesha. With four planets in the 12th House, concerned with expenses in general, your personal expenditure is likely to increase. You may also spend money for some social cause. A good earning opportunity may pass you by around Tuesday or Wednesday if you are not alert. You may regret it. Professionals may experience some uneasy moments due to criticism from superiors, mainly because you appear to be casual in your approach to your work. You may also overshoot your deadlines. Around Saturday, Mercury enters your Sign. Next day, Mars leaves its debilitated Sign Cancer and enters the friendly, fiery Sign Leo.
Libra :: Professionals may feel anxious this week about growth prospects, foresees Ganesha. Debilitated Mars is in square aspect with your Sign and Rahu is posited therein. Influence of Mars is likely to enhance your confidence and self-esteem. On the negative side, you may tend to assert your views aggressively, and in the process of doing so, you are likely to come through as being arrogant. The ruler of your Sign Venus is retrograde. This may throttle your progress. Moreover, Venus in the 11th House presents distractions, with friends luring you into indulging in pleasure-seeking activities. This means you may not be able to concentrate on your work. On the financial front, some monetary gains are likely over the weekend. Around Saturday, Mercury enters its own Sign Virgo. The next day, Mars leaves its debilitated Sign Cancer and enters a friendly, fiery Sign, Leo. Now Mars positions itself in the 11th House from your Sign, related to gains, among other things.
Scorpio :: Saturn posited in your Sign is likely to make you aware of ground realities and your limitations, predicts Ganesha. Undeterred, you may resolve to move ahead towards your goals. You may be tempted to exploit loopholes in the law to make huge profits. The ruler of your Sign, Mars is in its debilitated Sign, Cancer, and posited in the 9th House from your Sign. Debilitated Mars is likely to support you to use all means available to boost your earnings. The good thing is that, ruler of the 2nd House, related to finance, Jupiter is well placed and aspects its own Sign in the 2nd House. This indicates you may earn handsomely. On the negative side, though, debilitated Mars is in square aspect with the 12th House along with Rahu, posited therein. Under these influences, you may tend to become extravagant. Be careful or you may end up saving nothing. Around Saturday, Mercury enters its own Sign Virgo in the 11th House, related to gains. Sunday will see Mars leaving its debilitated Sign Cancer and entering Leo. Mars then positions itself in the 10th House from your Sign.
Sagittarius :: Saturn posited in the 12th House from your Sign is a really tough proposition to handle. To add to your woes, Saturn is the ruler of the 2nd House, related mainly to finance and family, among other things. This indicates that you may suffer unexpected monetary losses, foretells Ganesha. The other negative aspect this week is related to debilitated Mars posited in the 8th House. This indicates that you may be very disappointed by the conduct of someone dear to you. You may become over-sensitive and feel let-down around Tuesday-Wednesday. Professionals may experience a setback. Some task recently completed is likely to get rejected, and you may need to redo the whole thing. This may happen around Thursday-Friday. Colleagues may not offer any support. Around Saturday, Mercury enters its own Sign Virgo. Mercury now positions itself in the 10th House from your Sign. The next day, Mars leaves its debilitated Sign Cancer and enters Leo, the 9th House from your Sign.
Capricorn :: Rahu posited in the 10th House is indicative of a hostile relationship with your superiors. At times, you may feel like rebelling and challenging the authority. You may develop a strong urge to look for another job. Saturn posited in the 11th House is likely to back your efforts. However, since the most favourable planet for your Sign, Venus is moving in retrograde mode, bide your time till Venus turns direct in movement. Saturn posited in the 11th House aspects the 8th House from your Sign, along with the ruler thereof, Sun, posited therein. This indicates that you may need to improve your performance to meet new challenges successfully. Freshers looking for a suitable job opportunity, may have to compromise on the remuneration offered. Around Saturday, Mercury enters its own earthly Sign, Virgo. Now Mercury is well placed in the 9th House from your Sign. The next day, Mars leaves its debilitated Sign Cancer and enters Leo.
Aquarius :: Family and finances are likely to be your main areas of concern this week, predicts Ganesha. You shall be keen on providing more material comforts to your family. On the financial front, you may develop a strong urge to make it big. However, with the most favorable planet for your Sign, Venus moving in retrograde mode, this time does not seem ripe to attempt something big. And, the influence of Saturn over the 7th House along with planets posited therein, is likely to place hurdles in your path. Saturn is known for not making things easy. You need to work hard, improve your performance and wait patiently, before favourable results start pouring in. Businessmen in partnership may have a difficult time convincing all concerned people to agree with your strategy for growth. Around the weekend, Mercury exits Leo to enter its own Sign Virgo. The next day, Mars comes out of its debilitated Sign Cancer and enters Leo.
Pisces :: With Moon posited in your Sign, your basic traits are likely to come to the fore, says Ganesha. You are likely to heed your intuition for the direction to follow to reach your goals. Unless you are attuned to your Self, you may not be able to understand your intuition, though. Your Sign being dual natured, it may take you some time to reach a firm decision. With a cluster of four planets in the 6th House, related to adversity, you may face myriad obstructions. However, with the position of Saturn in the 9th House, you are likely to move ahead towards your goals. To help you in this regard, Jupiter aspects its own Sign, in the 10th House related to 'Karma'. Progressive forces are at work this week. You may face hurdles, which is normal, when you are moving ahead. Around Saturday, Mercury enters its own Sign Virgo. Mercury now positions itself in the 7th House from your Sign. The next day, Mars leaves its debilitated Sign, Cancer and enters Leo in the 6th House from your Sign.
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