Based on your date of birth, find out zodiac given below and then according to that you see your horoscope for today:
Aries: March 20 - April 18
Taurus: April 19 - May 19
Gemini: May 20 - June 20
Cancer: June 21 - July 21
Leo: July 22 - August 21
Virgo: August 22 - Sept 21
Libra: Sept 22 - Oct 22
Scorpio: Oct 23 - Nov 20
Sagittarius: Nov 21 - Dec 20
Capricorn: Dec 21 - Jan 19
Aquarius: Jan 20 - Feb 18
Pisces: Feb 19 - March 19

Aries :: You are keenly interested in supernatural and occult phenomena, and today you will indulge in this hobby. You may buy a glossy hard-bound book on tantra or other paranormal things. However, Ganesha warns you to use the knowledge that you gain only for peaceful purposes.

Taurus :: Love is on the cards, says Ganesha. Your senses are likely to remain highly active today. Stay alert and avoid drifting into your own world at the cost of work. It is best for you to keep your eyes and ears open to avoid any misunderstanding with your near and dear ones, suggests Ganesha.

Gemini :: You will be filled with concern and sensitivity towards others, and will bestow your blessings upon many. However, being too emotional is not advisable. Your emotions could get in the way of your progress at the work-front. You need to listen to your head over your heart when it comes to professional matters, says Ganesha.

Cancer :: Ganesha says that it will be a day of challenge. You will be tempted to plunge into a new venture. But there is no need for haste or anxiety in this regard. Pending work will be completed. Business deals and transactions will end on happy note. Translocation due to business or domestic reasons is possible.

Leo :: You will give importance to your work and your style of functioning to get a promotion in the office. You will also increase the amount of work you put in. While the fruits of your labour may not be immediately available to you, in a very short time you can expect to make more gains than you expected to. Nothing worthy of note is likely to occur in your personal relationships today, says Ganesha.

Virgo :: You are renowned for your leadership qualities and today they will be much appreciated for the way you manage your team. You will get a long-due promotion, and will come in for some extra cash. Ganesha says you received all this by wisely balancing work and home, so be careful not to slip up on this front.

Libra :: Ganesha says you will put everything aside to pay more attention to your outward appearance and your beauty as you will be more aware about it. People will get attracted to your beauty today. You will be able to share your own ideas and thoughts with people, at the same time you will learn about their views and from their experiences.

Scorpio :: For you Scorpios, love and intense passion are like a way of life. Today will not be any different, for you will put these on top priority, as you mark today's planner. Well, there is no harm in it, till you know your boundaries. At work, take it easy, for if you fail to resist yourself from making a pass at someone attractive, you may land yourself in serious problems. Instead focus on your creative energies, and find fun in life's simple pleasures.

Sagittarius :: You feel highly balanced today, says Ganesha. Being a family person, you dedicate your time equally at home and carry out responsibilities towards family. When it comes to work, you are at ease today. Enjoy the serenity of nature in the evening.

Capricorn :: You are beaming with optimism and positive energy. Such strong vibes will penetrate through the day and maintain the energy level right till the end. Not everyone is blessed with such spirit, so will certainly have an upper hand at work, be it your profession or business, says Ganesha. You will enjoy a smooth, peaceful and beautiful married life with your spouse, blesses Ganesha.

Aquarius :: You are an excellent team player and your performance reaches a new high when you are a part of a group. Be an active member of your group, express your opinions, share your knowledge and see how your team becomes the winning team, says Ganesha. Wind up your day by hanging out with friends and family.

Pisces :: To get away from your daily tasks you will concentrate on entertainment, fun and rest today. You will feel like a free bird today. In all this also some important task will need your attention today. Ganesha says you feel nice as things around you change.
Aries: March 20 - April 18
Taurus: April 19 - May 19
Gemini: May 20 - June 20
Cancer: June 21 - July 21
Leo: July 22 - August 21
Virgo: August 22 - Sept 21
Libra: Sept 22 - Oct 22
Scorpio: Oct 23 - Nov 20
Sagittarius: Nov 21 - Dec 20
Capricorn: Dec 21 - Jan 19
Aquarius: Jan 20 - Feb 18
Pisces: Feb 19 - March 19
Aries :: You are keenly interested in supernatural and occult phenomena, and today you will indulge in this hobby. You may buy a glossy hard-bound book on tantra or other paranormal things. However, Ganesha warns you to use the knowledge that you gain only for peaceful purposes.
Taurus :: Love is on the cards, says Ganesha. Your senses are likely to remain highly active today. Stay alert and avoid drifting into your own world at the cost of work. It is best for you to keep your eyes and ears open to avoid any misunderstanding with your near and dear ones, suggests Ganesha.
Gemini :: You will be filled with concern and sensitivity towards others, and will bestow your blessings upon many. However, being too emotional is not advisable. Your emotions could get in the way of your progress at the work-front. You need to listen to your head over your heart when it comes to professional matters, says Ganesha.
Cancer :: Ganesha says that it will be a day of challenge. You will be tempted to plunge into a new venture. But there is no need for haste or anxiety in this regard. Pending work will be completed. Business deals and transactions will end on happy note. Translocation due to business or domestic reasons is possible.
Leo :: You will give importance to your work and your style of functioning to get a promotion in the office. You will also increase the amount of work you put in. While the fruits of your labour may not be immediately available to you, in a very short time you can expect to make more gains than you expected to. Nothing worthy of note is likely to occur in your personal relationships today, says Ganesha.
Virgo :: You are renowned for your leadership qualities and today they will be much appreciated for the way you manage your team. You will get a long-due promotion, and will come in for some extra cash. Ganesha says you received all this by wisely balancing work and home, so be careful not to slip up on this front.
Libra :: Ganesha says you will put everything aside to pay more attention to your outward appearance and your beauty as you will be more aware about it. People will get attracted to your beauty today. You will be able to share your own ideas and thoughts with people, at the same time you will learn about their views and from their experiences.
Scorpio :: For you Scorpios, love and intense passion are like a way of life. Today will not be any different, for you will put these on top priority, as you mark today's planner. Well, there is no harm in it, till you know your boundaries. At work, take it easy, for if you fail to resist yourself from making a pass at someone attractive, you may land yourself in serious problems. Instead focus on your creative energies, and find fun in life's simple pleasures.
Sagittarius :: You feel highly balanced today, says Ganesha. Being a family person, you dedicate your time equally at home and carry out responsibilities towards family. When it comes to work, you are at ease today. Enjoy the serenity of nature in the evening.
Capricorn :: You are beaming with optimism and positive energy. Such strong vibes will penetrate through the day and maintain the energy level right till the end. Not everyone is blessed with such spirit, so will certainly have an upper hand at work, be it your profession or business, says Ganesha. You will enjoy a smooth, peaceful and beautiful married life with your spouse, blesses Ganesha.
Aquarius :: You are an excellent team player and your performance reaches a new high when you are a part of a group. Be an active member of your group, express your opinions, share your knowledge and see how your team becomes the winning team, says Ganesha. Wind up your day by hanging out with friends and family.
Pisces :: To get away from your daily tasks you will concentrate on entertainment, fun and rest today. You will feel like a free bird today. In all this also some important task will need your attention today. Ganesha says you feel nice as things around you change.
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